Ten Top Trends for Biometrics & Digital Identity
Now that most of the forecasts and prognostications have been made regarding what 2018 holds for biometrics and digital identity, here are Acuity’s top trends for the upcoming year.

The first “hardened” smartphones relying on biometric authentication as the foundational security will appear on the market. No biometrics, no access.By year end, nearly 3 billion personal mobile devices that incorporate biometric sensors will be in use worldwide, 1.7 billion of these will have shipped in 2018.
BIG BFSIs (Banking, Financial services and Insurance companies) and BIG Tech continue to swallow Fintech upstarts thwarting the full disruptive impact of their innovations.
Biometrics will begin to be broadly recognized as a critical enabler of Identity Centric IT.
Cloud-based biometric solutions will be more widely adopted for consumer and commercial authentication.
Single token biometrics to facilitate travel through airports and other border control chokepoints evolve from trials, pilots, and limited “premier” deployments to consideration for mainstream integration at major airports across the globe.
Customer experience drives breadth and depth expansion of biometric use within Financial Service sector and beyond.
iPhone X FaceID drives broad consumer acceptance of facial recognition despite privacy concerns, even as biometric privacy regulations begin to migrate across the US and the globe.
Biometric market domination begins to shift from sensor-based to software-based solutions.
Biometrics begin their journey from “mainstream” to “ubiquity”
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