Border authorities have embraced digital identification and biometric-based automation to simplify and accelerate border control processing. Acuity’s latest report on border control kiosks reveals that 71 installations deploying 2283 border control kiosks are active at 59 ports of entry across the globe. These include Automated Border Control (ABC) Kiosks, Automated Passport Control (APC) Kiosks, and Primary Inspection Kiosks (PIK).
As airports and other ports of entry struggle to keep up with increasing volumes of global travelers, automation is the only solution for border control. Integrated digital Identification technology, including document readers and biometrics, allow border agents to securely facilitate low risk international travelers while focusing expensive, high value human resources on genuine threats.
The number of border control kiosks increased more than 60% over last year with CAGR projected to exceed 20% for the next 3 years. The US and Canada dominate the market landscape with 60% and 35% of all border control kiosks deployed. Though only about 100 kiosks are deployed at ten locations across the Caribbean, Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East, Acuity expects the use of these highly efficient and cost-effective border control solutions to migrate broadly within existing regions while expanding to include Asia, Latin America, and Africa over the next few years.
Today, kiosks are deployed at just a few cruise ports, but Acuity expects broader use of kiosks at more seaports and land crossings over the next three to five years. Vancouver Airport’s Innovative Travel Solutions group dominates the global market with more than 60% kiosks unit and installation market share.
Acuity Market Intelligence’s “APC Kiosk Deployment List” (http://www.acuity-mi.com/APCdep.php) provides details for all kiosk border control deployments including location, program, owner, units, vendors, costs, and market share analysis.
Acuity’s border control research and analysis also includes the “ABC eGate Deployment List” (http://www.acuity-mi.com/eGatedep.php) and “The Global Automated Border Control Industry Report: Airport eGates and Kiosks” (http://www.acuity-mi.com/ABCair_Report.php).