Our latest research is out. And the BIG NEWS: Biometric Smartphones are officially mainstream! More than 200 fingerprint, iris, and eye-vein biometric smartphones have been introduced since Q1 2013 under 70 brand names including market leaders such as Apple, Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi,, TCL, Oppo, Vivo, and ZTE. Acuity projects that 600 million biometric smartphones are currently in use representing 28% of the global installed base.

This explosion of biometric smartphones is just the beginning. The number of models increased from 52 a year ago to 197 today with additional announcements expected by the end of Q1. Acuity is confident the market will achieve the 100% biometric smartphone adoption forecast for 2018 in last year’s Global Biometrics and Mobility Report.
Biometric smartphone prices have dropped dramatically as new low-end options expand adoption, especially in emerging markets. Since Fujitsu introduced the Arrows XF-02 models in February 2013, and Apple the groundbreaking iPhone 5S in September 2013, the quarterly average price of biometric smartphones has plunged from $800 to just $251. This includes 28 models introduced since May 2014 selling for $150 or less.

While 93% of all biometric smartphone models run Google’s Android OS and Fingerprint Cards sensors are used in more than 60% of current models, Apple maintains a dominant 45% total device and fingerprint sensor market share. This is, however, about to change as an onslaught of Android based Chinese phones along with aggressive plans by Chinese sensor manufacturers alter the market landscape during 2016
Check 📷out the “Biometric Smartphone Update” for details of all biometric smartphones shipped since Q1 2013 including brand, model, OS, price point, release date, and availability as well as biometric type, vendor, and sensor, and links to complete specifications and reviews at http://www.acuity-mi.com/BSP.php.
It is a great companion to “The Global Biometrics and Mobility Report” which provides detailed unit and revenue forecasts for smartphones, tablets, and wearables, biometric apps, and biometric payment and other transactions from 2014 to 2020. Preview and purchase at www./GBMR_Report.php