Cloud-based BIDaas is the future of digital identity.
Biometrics Identity as a Service (BIDaas) links a unique individual, not just a device or a secret to an asserted identity.
After nearly two decades of market evolution, identity-centric IT solutions are still based on devices and tokens. The market is being flooded with mobile solutions that promise to solve the “identity problem” by relying on smartphones. BUT any device-based identity solution has considerable limitations.
And, while smartphone biometrics may own the spotlight, in this context, they are nothing more than a highly sophisticated token.
YES, device-based biometrics may bind us to our smartphones IF biometrics are not simply deployed as password or PIN overlays,
AND smartphones can successfully distinguish among, and link biometrics to, multiple users.
BUT no device, including our much-loved smartphones, represent “our identity.” As much as we may like to believe it, our smartphones are not “us.”
Given the intrinsic role biometrics play in linking individuals to their digital identities, biometrics should not be relegated to “the edge” of the digital ecosystem, layered on top of weak authentication schemes and bound to singular devices. To create truly identity-centric IT systems, look beyond device authentication and integrate Cloud-based biometrics as a core component of IT infrastructure.
To improve security, lower costs, and attract the most desirable customers, organizations will adopt Cloud-based BIDaaS as the foundation for enhancing and securing the customer journey.
What are
Biometrics in the Cloud?
For in-depth Cloud-based BIDaaS analysis read our whitepaper
"Taming the Authentication Beast"
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Market convention differentiates “on-device biometrics” from “Cloud-biometrics” as local versus centralized storage and authentication of biometric data. The convention is straight forward for on-device biometrics; Biometric data is stored locally and authenticated “on the device.”
Some Cloud biometric solutions authenticate biometrics on-device and then use this device authentication to enable Cloud services. This is not Cloud biometrics; it is a Cloud application that uses on-device biometric authentication. For our purposes, Cloud biometrics is synonymous with centralized or “server-side” biometrics. Biometric data is captured locally, converted to a biometric template, then the template is encrypted and sent to a server for storage or authentication.
Advantages of Cloud based BIDaaS solutions
Device agnostic on-boarding and authentication across channels and biometric modalities.
Responsive, dynamic authentication schemes that require only as much authentication, or friction, as needed at any moment based on the value or risk profile of a transaction.
​Shifts responsibility and liability for biometric data to an independent organization purpose built to collect, store, and manage it.
In the unlikely event that a Cloud-based biometric template data is compromised or
"stolen,” templates can be revoked with a single operation.
BIDaaS offers independent authentication services while assuming the risk for the capture, storage, and management of biometric data.
Advantages of Cloud based BIDaaS solutions
Device agnostic on-boarding and authentication across channels and biometric modalities.
Responsive, dynamic authentication schemes that require only as much authentication, or friction, as needed at any moment based on the value or risk profile of a transaction.
​Shifts responsibility and liability for biometric data to an independent organization purpose built to collect, store, and manage it.
In the unlikely event that a Cloud-based biometric template data is compromised or
"stolen,” templates can be revoked with a single operation.
Biometrics in the Cloud have the potential to create both an unparalleled level of
customer intimacy and mass personalization.
Biometrics in the Cloud can prevent classes of fraud that are based on the creation of
multiple false identities.
Biometrics in the Cloud simplifies dynamic, multifactor biometrics.
Biometrics in the Cloud Authentication BIDaaS Model
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